Purpose, Not Capitalism

Words by: Zayan Ismail
Art by: Anita Thuon 

It was not long ago that I dreamt of the life of a career diplomat. Majoring in international relations has shifted that dream, for better or worse. Studying the outdated archaic theories developed by White imperialists which perpetuate the subjugation of Indigenous communities, people of colour, women, and other minorities, has made me question everything since they created them under the guise of negotiation and peace.

Purpose, Not Capitalism

Blocked & Deleted

Words by: Dilshi Perera 
Art by: Gabrielle Poh 

Someone once asked me to list some of the greatest joys in life, and waking up and not thinking about them anymore is easily in my top 10 — aside from kissing in the rain and other main character-esque qualities. There’s no denying that breakups are one of THE MOST tumultuous journeys that a human can go through, but the process of healing and overcoming pain is monumental. 

Blocked & Deleted

Quarantine: A Fictional Futuristic Idea That Has Become Our Reality

Words by: Shams Ibrahim 

What does it mean to be in quarantine? What is it like to be locked up indoors with only a few hours of sunshine allowed? Is it punishment? Is karma biting the human race? Is it a doorway to a mental asylum? In truth, I don’t know what it really means or how it has impacted people. It would be extremely arrogant and ignorant to assume that it has hit everyone the same way. Each experience is very unique. Some might be terrible, while others surprisingly good. This will be part of my personal journey with lockdowns, quarantine, and COVID-19. 

Quarantine: A Fictional Futuristic Idea That Has Become Our Reality

Constantly Readjusting to Life After University 

Words by: Emilio Lanera
Art by: Lauren Easter

For the last four years, university has been the main source of structure in my life. I did have other things going on in my life like work, social life, internships, and other extracurricular activities, but for the most part they all had to work around my university classes and assignments. While it was nice to have someone else organise your life for you, by the time I graduated I was ready to leave the familiar structure university offered and embark on a new journey where I had more control in deciding what I do and when I would do it. However, something I would learn very early after leaving university is that no matter how well you plan things, life still tends to get in the way.  

Constantly Readjusting to Life After University 

The Art that Defines Us

Words by: Lauren Gallina 
Art by: Lillian Busby

Twelve years ago, on a warm Saturday morning, I sat cross-legged in front of ABC3 while my mum combed out my loose curls and put them into two tight braids. As “Scotty and the Ninjas Too” were lighting up the screen, their voices filling the room, we were idly watching on. Both my mum and I focused on getting ready for netball before rushing out the door.

The Art that Defines Us

To Exist

Words and Art by: Tiffany Forbes

When I was seven, I took my first ever family camping trip. If I try hard enough, it’s almost as if I can still smell the excitement in the air that day, which often comes in waves of freshly-bought camping chairs and a tent we’d found at an Aldi special buys rack at some point in 2007.

To Exist

TikTok Made Me Do It: Crystal Edition

Words by: Coby Renkin
Art by: Ruth Ong

The last few months have seen me enter a side of TikTok I never saw coming: the crystal side. I don’t do crystals; they’re not something I’ve ever felt drawn to and if we’re being honest, not something I’ve ever believed in. But it turns out, if the algorithm hassles me enough, I’ll try anything once. After all, 2021 (and this edition) is all about growth. 

TikTok Made Me Do It: Crystal Edition

The Best(?) Of Both Worlds

Words and Art by: Gitika Garg

I hate to use the ‘J’ word, but growing up is a journey — and a difficult one at that. With the carefree fun of being a kid, also comes the more trying task of navigating through the complexities of childhood and adolescence. Friendships, relationships, family, body image, confidence, parties, popularity…this all-too-familiar list continues.

The Best(?) Of Both Worlds